Wednesday, November 23, 2011

FBI deniest water utility hacking by Russians

From the BBC today:

FBI plays down claim that hackers damaged US water pump

Water tap Reports of a hacking attack raised fears about the security of the US water system

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US officials have cast doubt over reports that a water pump in Illinois was destroyed by foreign hackers.

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security said they had "found no evidence of a cyber intrusion".

The Illinois Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center (STIC) previously claimed a hacker with a Russian IP address caused a pump to burn out.

A security expert, who flagged up the story, said he was concerned about the conflicting claims.

Information about the alleged 8 November breach was revealed on Joe Weiss's Control Global blog last week. His article was based on a formal disclosure announcement by the Illinois STIC.

The report said that the public water district's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (Scada) had been hacked as early as September.

It claimed that a pump used to pipe water to thousands of homes was damaged after being repeatedly powered on and off.

It added that the IP address of the attackers had been traced back to Russia.

The news attracted attention because it could have been the first confirmed case of foreign hackers successfully damaging a US utilities.

My comment: As long as the local water supplies continue to be contaiminated with fluroride, a known and dangerous neurotoxin (fluroride is the main ingredient in rat and mouse poison--check it out), and they allow other dangerous materials to pass through public water systems, including skewing radioactive test results, there is no reason for the Russians to hack anything in our water supplies. The public's apathy toward known and well established toxins are firmly established by our own freely elected politicians.

The occupy movement needs to get involved with the CDC, NIH, EPA and other government agencies that continue to favor the interests of big business over the consumer. Organic shouldn't be an option--the government has a duty to keep known toxins out of our food supply and ensure crops are fertilized with compost and manure which has many, many more nutrients rather than the "spray on" Monsanto, Cargill, ADM type of only 8 to 10 nutrients. The human body needs 98 nutrients per day. Where do you think our current epidemic of heart disease, cancer and dementia is coming from? Our nutrient poor crops, lack of independent (not drug company sponsored research) by the NIH and CDC, and the lassiez faire approach of the EPA.

Oh, don't get me going. The Occupy movement is only at the tip of the ice berg. Andrew Jackson said that corporations left to run amuck will become the greatest threat to any democracy.

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